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Welcome to Kalikadevi Arts, Commerce & Science College, Shirur (Ka), Dist. Beed.
Kalikadevi Arts, Commerce & Science College, run by Adarsh Shikshan Sanstha Beed was established in 29 January 2002 by Mrs.Kesharbai Kshirsagar Ex.M.P. Beed with a noble and foresighted vision for providing higher education to rural youth. The College is affiliated to Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, permanently since 2012 - 2013.
The college is now a full fledged multi-faculty institution with students strength of about 1286. The College runs Under graduate courses in Arts, commerce and science faculties.
The college runs YCMOU Study centre which offers Under graduate courses in Arts faculty.
The College has a computerized library. The college has well equipped and well furnished laboratories for all science departments.
The College is dedicated in imparting quality education to the students.
The Moto
The Vision
The institution has a right aim, which leaves no room for covetousness or indulgence but encourages everybody for developemnt or self and society.
The Mission
- To mentor and inculcate social moral values in students and empower them towards nation a building activity.
- To cultivate feeling of social bonding and development among students through different intervention and entrepreneurship program of college.
- To promote an environment of academic excellence through development of human potentials.
- To inspire and ignite young minds creative thinking and innovative ideas with proper livelihood earned by pure and honest means that would help them to succeed in their career.
- To create a platform student to feel free to point out their problems general drawbacks and limitations.
Principal’s Desk
My dear students,
It is the matter of great pleasure and privilege to present to you a brief account of the Kalikadevi Arts, Commerce and Science College, Shirur Kasar. Our respected leader and Ex. M.P. late Mrs. Kesharbai Sonajirao Kshirsagar alias Kaku established this college in 2002. Shirur Kasar is a small place which is popularly known as ‘Sugarcane Cutting Labourer Taluka’, where most of the youths were deprived of higher education. Despite the constraint, our founder with her foresight for the future and with great vision started this college. Read More.
Computer Lab

The College has well equipped Computer lab with internet connectivity. The computers have become integral parts of teaching learning activity.

The library has a collection of 5800 titles. 8 journals are subscribed to 5 journals for UG Educational CDs...